Ye Olde Town Hall

Ye Olde Town Hall


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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hanney demands jury trial

Hanney's attorney has filed an Answer to the Town's Complaint. I uploaded it to the BLOG as a POST. It is a list of admissions, denials, affirmative claims, and a demand for a jury trial on all counts. 

Meanwhile, if anyone is following this case, they can detect when either party has made a filing by setting up an account and then monitoring the on-line docket website for new filings at:

then search for Docket #2013189. you don't get the whole document, just notification of what had been filed, then someone has to go to Newburyport Superior Court to review and copy as much of the detail as they wish, $1 per page.

If anything important appears to be happening in the records I will try to get copies.

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