Ye Olde Town Hall

Ye Olde Town Hall


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Selectman meeting Dec 3, 2012

BOS meeting 12/3/12 no news. Apparently the Town attorney is talking to Hanney. What about is a mystery, behind closed doors so as to protect the Town's position for legal wrangling.

Still trying to get all the information about this situation, I asked a few questions during citizen's queries:

Q: Can I get a copy of the waiver of right to first refusal given to the Ipswich Playhouse Society (IPS) from May 24, 2010 (it is alluded to in the BOS meeting minutes)?
A: Other than the BOS meeting notes, we don't know if we have a record of that...

Q:  Did the BOS use any particular criteria to grant the waiver of right to first refusal to the IPS? Operational or financial credibility, related business experience, etc?
A: No, they told us they were going to "continue the dream".

Q: Has the BOS considered taking the waiver away from the IPS and making it available to others who might come along?
A: It is in the notes. (In the BOS meeting notes granting the waiver of right of first refusal it also states that the right reverts back to the Town if the deal is not completed.)

Q: Does the BOS know that there is a "commercial mortgage security agreement" between Ipswich RE Holdings and the Northern Bank and Trust?
A: Yes.

Q: What would cause the Town to "secure" the vacant building - red X's on the doors and board up all the windows?
A: Nothing... "securing" the building is just to tell emergency safety personnel that no one is in the building. Town Manager spoke to Fire Chief and they did not feel this was needed. Town Manager intends to talk to Director of Public Safety about this.

And so on... Since most of the questions could not be answered, the Town Manager invited me to review their files and I will let you know what else I learn.

You can watch the icam at from minute 7.30 to 18.

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