ICAM Announcement
"We need you!
TerraBlu Teams has 60 days to raise the money needed to rehabilitate an old building into a zero-carbon community and education center. This is a chance to repurpose property and create something long-lasting!
Find out how to give! Share our link!
Find out how to give! Share our link!
The BOS did not grant a waiver of first right of refusal to Terra Blu Teams so they should not be doing this, in my opinion. Very misleading to residents. How is this an appropriate use of the ICAM? Somebody ought to rethink this one out.
Actually, ICAM is available for any use (except the broadcast of obscenity or illegal content) to any resident of Ipswich. There is an absolute freedom of speech. You can go on ICAM and preach, rant, pray — come to think of it, the Old Town Hall situation might call for all three.
Right-o, and a good thing, freedom of speech. Perhaps it is an issue of misleading advertising! I must say that the Terra-Blu Teams fund raiser on ICAM is odd because the Town has not waived first right of refusal for them, so Terra-Blu Teams cannot negotiate with or buy the Old Town Hall in any event. I wonder what they will do with your money, if you contribute!
Here is the exact text of the announcement on the ICAM:
We need you!
TerraBlu Teams has 60 days to raise the money needed to rehabilitate an old building into a zero-carbon community and education center. This is a chance to erpurpose property and create something long-lasting!
Find out how to give! Share our link!
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