Ye Olde Town Hall

Ye Olde Town Hall


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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Seeking a mutually agreeable way forward

So the very good news is that the Town has made several calls and sent letters to Mr. Hanney proposing a meeting to find a mutually agreeable way forward that will “preserve the building and put it into constructive use", and to "ensure the integrity and survival of the building”, and to see to it that the building is put to the uses as originally intended.  The letter was sent January 7 and a reply from Mr. Hanney was required in 10 days. I am under the impression that one final phone call may be made to encourage a meeting before litigation is initiated.

Therein is the not so good news...

If Mr. Hanney genuinely wants to sort out things, the Town will either let the Selectmen work it out on their own, or the townspeople will need to make their wishes known soon, and thus allow the Selectmen to pursue an informed direction.  

...and the sort of bad good news, if you know what I mean...

If Mr. Hanney chooses not to respond to the letter or chooses to maintain the status quo, the BOS can tell the Town Counsel to proceed with a demand for injunctive relief.

Of course one can never anticipate all the machinations that would come along with this process! 

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