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Ye Olde Town Hall

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Preservation Restrictions
Sorry, this dreadful layout is due to my inability to get the file types copied and pasted properly. But at least you can see the content. Blanks and omissions are most likely spaces that had to be filled in by hand, like dates and signatures. I can email you the easy-to-read version if you request it!
2006101600052 Bk:26180 Pg:575
10/16/2006 09:43:00 OTHER Ps 1/13
Ipswich RE Holdings LLC, a Massachusetts Corporation having an address at 7 Central Street,
South Easton, Massachusetts (the "Grantor") hereby grants to the Town ofIpswich, by and
through its agent the Ipswich Historical Commission, having an address at Ipswich Town Hall, 25
Green Street, Ipswich, Massachusetts (the "Grantee") the following preservation restriction
(herein "Preservation Restriction") on the premises at 30 South Main Street, Ipswich, Essex
County, Massachusetts as more particularly described below.
WHEREAS, the Grantor is the owner in fee simple of certain real property with improvements
thereon situated at 30 South Main Street, by virtue ofa deed from the Town ofIpswich dated
.,A.....s . \,-\, 2006 and recorded herewith with Essex South District Registry ofDeeds, Booko2bOrl>
Page ~and as more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto. (the "Premises").
WHEREAS, the Grantor has agreed to accept certain restrictions, obligations and duties upon
itself as owner ofthe Premises and on the successors to its right, title and interest therein with
respect to maintenance, protection, and preservation ofthe Premises in order to protect the
architectural, archaeological and historical integrity thereof, in the public interest in a manner
consistent with the purposes ofM.G.L. Chapter 184, sections 31-33 (hereinafter, the "Act"); and
WHEREAS, the Premises (aka the Former Town Hall Building) is a historically and
architecturally significant property that was listed on the State and National Registers of Historic
Places on September 17, 1980 as a contributing resource ofthe South Green National Register
District; and
WHEREAS, the Grantor and Grantee recognize and acknowledge that in the interest oflocal,
state and national historical and architectural preservation, said Former Town Hall Building
should be maintained and protected; and
WHEREAS, the Grantee is authorized to accept these preservation restrictions pursuant to
M.G.L. Chapter 40, Section 8C and the Act;
NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the Grantor for itself, its heirs,
executors, administrators, successors and assigns, grants to the Grantee the following
preservation restriction which shall apply in perpetuity to the Premises. The burden ofthe
restrictions shall run with the Premises and shall be binding on all future owners of any interest
therein. These preservation restrictions are set forth so as to ensure the preservation ofthose
BOSTON, MA 02110
characteristics which contribute to the architectural, archaeological and historical integrity of the
Premises. The terms ofthe Preservation Restriction are as follows:
1. Maintenance ofPremises:A.fter the ..completion ofthe work authorized by the Planning
Board Site Plan Approval Decision May 17,2006 (filed with the Ipswich Town Clerk on
May 22,2006, and recorded in Book -'Page __, ofthe Essex South Registry of
Deeds and which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit B and is hereby incorporated by
reference), as further allowed, the Grantor agrees to assume the total cost ofcontinued
maintenance, repair and administration ofthe Premises so as to preserve the characteristics
which contribute to the architectural, archaeological and historical integrity ofthe
Premises in a manner satisfactory to the Grantee according to the Secretary ofthe
Interior's "Standard for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for
Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring and Reconstructing Historic Buildings" (36 C.F.R.
67 and 68), as these may be amended from time to time (hereinafter "the Secretary's
Standards"). The Grantor may ask financial assistance from any source available to it.
The Grantee does not assume any obligation for maintaining, repairing or administering
the Premises.
Inspection: The Grantor agrees that the Ipswich Historical Commission may inspect the
Premises from time to time upon reasonable notice to determine whether the Grantor is in
compliance with the terms ofthis Agreement.
Alterations :
3.1 Permitted Exceptions: Grantor agrees that no alterations shall be made to the exterior
architectural features, except for the following, pursuant to the Planning Board Site Plan
Approval Decision dated May 17, 2006:
Addition ofa portico to the front (west elevation) ofthe building and
modification to the west entry stairs to accommodate handicapped access;
Addition ofbuilding entrances/storefront (matching Elm Street elevation) on
south elevation;
Addition ofexterior deck & sunken patio on south side ofbuilding;
Addition ofexit doors and stairs to east side ofbuilding;
Addition of elevator shaft enclosure at southeast comer ofbuilding;
Removal of existing handicap ramp and addition ofnew entry platform &
stairs at north (Elm Street) elevation;
Modification to infill oforiginal "fire station" entry trim surround at north
Removal and replacement ofexisting roofing;
and except for any other changes that are (a) clearly of a minor nature and not affecting
the characteristics which contribute to the architectural or historical integrity of the
Premises (In its review the Grantee will apply the Secretary's Standards to all proposed
work.), or (b) required by casualty or other emergency promptly reported to the Grantee,
or (c) ifit is determined by Grantee after reviewing plans and specifications submitted by
BOSTON, MA 02110
1ili.e Grantor that such changes will not impair the characteristics which contribute to the
architectural or historical integrity ofthe premises. Once a specific alteration as described
above has been completed to the reasonable satisfaction ofthe Grantor, pursuant to the
Planning Board Site Plan Approval Decision dated May 17,2006, no further modifications
to said alteration may be made except as pursuant to (c) above. Ordinary maintenance and
repair ofthe premises may be made without the written permission ofthe Grantee. For
purposes ofthis section, interpretation ofwhat constitutes alterations of a minor nature
and ordinary maintenance and repair is governed by the Restriction Guidelines which are
attached to the Agreement and hereby incorporated by reference.
3.2 Review ofGrantor's Requests for Approval. Grantor shall submit to Grantee for
Grantee's approval two copies ofinformation (including plans, specifications, and designs
where appropriate) identifYing the proposed activity with reasonable specificity. In
connection therewith, Grantor shall also submit to Grantee a timetable for the proposed
activity sufficient to permit Grantee to monitor such activity. Within 30 (thirty) days of
Grantee's receipt ofany plan or written request for approval hereunder, Grantee shall
certify in writing that (a) it approves the plan or request, or (b) it disapproves the plan or
request as submitted, in which case Grantee shall provide Grantor with written
suggestions for modification or a written explanation for Grantee's disapproval. Any
failure by Grantee to act within 45 (forty-five) days ofreceipt ofGrantor's submission or
resubmission ofplans or requests shall be deemed to constitute approval by Grantee ofthe
plan or request as submitted and to permit Grantor to undertake the proposed activity in
accordance with the plan or request submitted. The Grantee's approval shall not be
unreasonably withheld, and shall be granted upon a reasonable showing that the proposed
activity shall not materially impair the purpose ofthis Preservation Restriction.
3.3 Standards for Review. In exercisb;lg any authority created by the Restriction to inspect
the Premises; to review any construction, alteration, repair or maintenance; or to review
casualty damage or to rehabilitate or approve rehabilitation ofthe Premises following
casualty damage, Grantee shall apply the Secretary's Standards.
Assignment:J'he Grantee may assign this Agreement ~o another governmental body or to any
charitable corporation or trust among the purposes ofwhich is the maintenance and
preservation ofhistoric properties ifthe Town deems such transfer to be in the best interests
ofthe goals ofthis Agreement, provided however that such transfer shall only take place as a
result ofthe Grantee ceasing to function in its present capacity.
Validity and Severability: The invalidity ofM.G.L. chapter 184 or any part thereof shall not
affect the validity and enforceability ofthis Agreement according to its terms. The invalidity Dr
unenforceability ofany provision ofthis Agreement shall not affect the validity or
enforceability of any other provision ofthis Agreement.
Recording: The Grantor agrees to record this Agreement with the appropriate Registry of
Deeds and file a copy ofsuch recorded instrument with the Grantee.
Conditional'Rights Requiring Approval ofthe Massachusetts Historical Commission. The
conduct of archaeological activities on the Premises, including without limitation, survey,
excavation and artifact retrieval, may occur only following the submission of an archaeological
field investigation plan prepared by the Grantor and approved in writing by the State
Archaeologist ofthe Massachusetts Historical Commission (M.G.L. Chapter 9, Section 27C,
950 CMR 70.00).
Casualty Damage or Destruction. In the event that the Premises or any part thereof shall be
damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, windstorm, hurricane, earth movement or other casualty,
Grantor shall notify Grantee in writing within fourteen (14) days ofthe damage or destruction,
such notification including what, if any, emergency work has already been completed. No
repairs or reconstruction of any type, other than temporary emergency work to prevent
further damage to the Buildings and to protect public safety, shall be undertaken by Grantor
without Grantee's prior written approval of the work. Within thirty (30) days of the date of
damage or destruction, if required by Grantee, Grantor at its expense shall submit to the
Grantee a written report prepared by a qualified restoration architect and an engineer who are
acceptable to the Grantor and the Grantee, (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or
delayed) which report shall include the following: (a) an assessment of the nature and extent
of the damage; (b) a determination of the feasibility of the restoration of the Premises and/or
reconstruction of damaged or destroyed portions of the Premises; and (c) a report of such
restoration/reconstruction work necessary to return the Premises to the condition existing at
the date hereo f.
Review After Casualty Damage or Destruction. If, after reviewing the report provided in
paragraph 8 and assessing the availability ofinsurance proceeds after satisfaction of any
mortgagee's/lender's claims under paragraph 8, Grantor and Grantee agree that the Purpose
ofthe Restriction will be served by such restoration/reconstruction, Grantor and Grantee shall
establish a schedule under which Grantor shall complete the restoration/reconstruction ofthe
Premises in accordance with plans and specifications consented to by the parties up to at least
the total ofthe casualty insurance proceeds available to Grantor. If, after reviewing the report
and assessing the availability ofinsurance proceeds after satisfaction of any mortgagee's/
lender's claims under paragraph 8, Grantor and Grantee agree that restoration/reconstruction
ofthe Premises is impractical or impossible, or agree that the purpose ofthe Restriction
would not be served by such restoration/reconstruction, Grantor may, with the prior written
consent of Grantee, alter, demolish, remove or raze the building, and/or construct new
improvements on the Premises. Grantor and Grantee may agree to extinguish this Restriction
in accordance with the requirements Act. If, after reviewing the report and assessing the
availability ofinsurance proceeds after satisfaction ofany mortgage~'s/lender's claims under
paragraph 8, Grantor and Grantee are unable to agree that the Purpose ofthe Restriction will
or will not be served by such restoration/reconstruction, the matter may be referred by either
party to binding arbitration and settled in accordance with the State ofMassachusetts
arbitration statute then in effect.
10. Insurance. Grantor shall keep the Premises insured by an insurance company rated "A-I" or
better by Best's for the full replacement value against loss from the perils commonly insured
under standard fire and extended coverage policies and comprehensive general liability
BOSTON, MA 02110
insurance against claims for personal injury, death and property damage. Premises damage
insurance shall include change in condition and building ordinance coverage, in form and
amount sufficient to replace fully the damaged Premises without cost or expense to Grantor or
contribution or coinsurance from Grantor. Such insurance shall include Grantee's interest and
name Grantee as an additional insured. Grantor shall deliver to Grantee, within ten (10)
business days of Grantee's written request therefor, certificates ofsuch insurance coverage.
Provided, however, that whenever the Property is encumbered with a mortgage or deed of
trust nothing contained in this paragraph shall jeopardize the prior claim, ifany, ofthe
mortgagee/lender to the insurance proceeds.
11. Written Notice. Any notice whicheither Grantor or Grantee may desire or be required to give
to the other party shall be in writing and shall be mailed postage prepaid by overnight courier,
facsimile transmission (provided confirmation ofreceipt is obtained), registered or certified
mail with return receipt requested, or hand delivered; ifto Grantor, then to: William Hanney,
Manager, Ipswich RE Holdings, 7 Central Street, Easton, MA 02375 and ifto Grantee, then
to: B.oardofSelectmen, 25 GreenStreet, Ipswich, MA 01938. Eachpartymaychangeits
address set forth herein by a notice to such effect to the other party.
12. Evidence of Compliance. Upon request by Grantor, Grantee shall within ten (10) days furnish
Grantor with certification that, to the best ofGrantee's knowledge, Grantor is in compliance
with the obligations of Grantor contained herein, or that otherwise evidences the status ofthis
Restriction to the extent ofGrantee's knowledge thereof.
13. Grantee's Remedies. Grantee may, following reasonable written notice to Grantor, institute
suites) to enjoin any violation ofthe terms ofthis restriction ifsaid reponse is not received
within ten (10) days ofnotice, by ex parte, temporary, preliminary and/or permanent
injunction, including prohibitory and/or mandatory injunctive relief, and to require the
restoration ofthe Premises to the condition and appearance required under this Restriction.
Grantee shall also have available all legal and other equitable remedies to enforce Grantor's
obligations hereunder. In the event Grantor is found to have violated any ofits obligations,
Grantor shall reimburse Grantee for any costs or expenses incurred in connection with
Grantee's enforcement ofthe terms ofthis Restriction, including all reasonable court costs,
and attorney's, architectural, engineering and expert witness fees. Exercise by Grantee ofone
remedy hereunder shall not have the effect ofwaiving or limiting any other remedy, and the
failure to exercise any remedy shall not have the effect ofwaiving or limiting the use 0 f any
other remedy or the use ofsuch remedy at any other time.
14. Notice from Government Authorities. Grantor shall deliver to Grantee copies of any notice of
. violation or lien relating to the Premises received by Grantor from any government authority
within five (5) days ofreceipt by Grantor. Upon request by Grantee, Grantor shall promptly
furnish Grantee with evidence ofGrantor's compliance with such notice or lien where
compliance is required by law.
15. Notice ofProposed Sale. Grantor shall promptly notifY Grantee in writing ofany proposed
sale ofthe Premises and shall provide the prospective purchaser with a copy of the terms of
this Agreement ifso requested .
16. Liens. Any lien on the Premises created pursuant to any paragraph ofthis Restriction may be
confirmed by judgment and foreclosed by Grantee in the same manner as a mechanic's lien.
Provided, however, that no lien created pursuant to this Restriction shall jeopardize the
priority of any recorded lien ofmortgage or deed oftrust given in connection with a
promissory note secured by the Premises.
17. Plaque. Grantor agrees that Grantee may provide and maintain a plaque on the Premises,
which plaque shall not exceed 24 by 24 inches in size, giving notice 0 f the significance ofthe
Premises and the nature ofthe listing in the historic register.
18. Change ofUse. In the event that the Grantor proposes a change of use ofthe Premises, as
permitted under the restriction set forth in the deed to the Premises, then the Grantee must
review and approve ofany changes to the exterior ofthe building pursusant to a change ofuse
ofthe Premises,as per Paragraph 3.2, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or
delayed. Grantee shall approve ofany exterior changes to the building pursuant to the change
ofuse, provided that the Grantee determines that said changes are not detrimental to the
preservation of the property's architectural, historical or cultural values.
19. Extinguishment. Grantor and Grantee hereby recognize that an unexpected change in the
conditions surrounding the Property may make impossible the continued ownership or use of
the Premises for the Purpose ofthis Restriction and necessitate extinguishment of the
Restriction. Such a change in conditions may include, but is not limited to, partial or total
destruction ofthe building resulting from casualty. Such an extinguishment must be the result
ofa judicial proceeding, and must meet the requirements ofthe Act. The Grantor shall be
entitled to all net proceeds resulting from extinguishments. In the event of extinguishment,
the provisions of this paragraph shall at Grantor's election, survive extinguishment and shall
constitute a lien on the Premises with the same effect and priority as a mechanic's lien.
Provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall jeopardize the priority ofany recorded
lien ofmortgage or deed oftrust given in connection with a promissory note secured by the
20. Amendment. Ifcircumstances arise under which an amendment to or modification ofthis
Restriction would be appropriate,·Clf~to~and Grantee may by mutual written agreement
jointly amend this Restriction, provided that no amendment shall be made that will adversely
affect the qualification of this Restriction or the status ofGrantee under any applicable laws,
including "The Act" and the laws ofthe Commonwealth ofMassachusetts. Any such
amendment shall be consistent with the protection ofthe preservation values of the Premises
and the purpose ofthis Restriction; shall not affect its perpetual duration; shall not permit any
private inurement to any person or entity; and shall not adversely impact the overall
architectural, historic, and archaeological values protected by this Restriction. Any such
amendment shall be recorded in the land records ofthe Essex South Registry ofDeeds.
Nothing in this paragraph shall require Grantor or Grantee to agree to any amendment or to
consult or negotiate regarding any amendment.
BOSTON, MA 02110
MCf 6
21. Dispute Resolution.
Ifthe.. parties have a dispute arising under or relating to this agreement,
except any matter that is in the jurisdiction ofa small claims court, either or both parties may
invoke the dispute resolution procedures ofthis paragraph, which shall be the exclusive ..
remedy. The party invoking dispute resolution shall provide written notice to the other party
setting forth in reasonable detail the nature of the dispute and the invoking party's position,
and shall send a copy ofthe notice to the Massachusetts Historical Commission. Ifthe parties
are unable to resolve their differences within fourteen (14) days ofreceipt ofthe notice, they
shall proceed to binding arbitration. They shall mutually select an arbitrator who has
substantial familiarity with historic preservation, architecture, and construction, and who has
no significant personal or professional relationship with either or both ofthe parties. Ifthe
parties are unable to mutually agree upon an arbitrator, they shall jointly request that
JAMS/ENDISPUTE or a similar commercial alternative dispute resolution firm located in
Boston shall appoint one. The parties shall evenly split the costs ofthe arbitration, and the
arbitrator's ruling shall be binding. Ifthe arbitrator finds that Grantor has breached the
Agreement, the arbitrator has the discretion to require restoration of the condition prior to the
breach, and to enjoin future violations. IfGrantor does not comply with the arbitrator's ruling
to restore, Grantee shall have the right to perform the restoration, and its reasonably incurred
expenses in doing so shall constitute a lien on the property as set forth in more detail in
paragraph 18. Either party may enforce the Arbitrator's ruling by filing an action in
Massachusetts Superior Court.
Notwithstanding the previous sentence, either party may proceed with a Superior
Court action without first arbitrating the dispute in order to obtain a temporary restraining order
or preliminary injunction to preserve the status quo which existed prior to any alleged breach. In
such case, ifthe Superior Court grants temporary relief, the parties shall proceed with arbitration
in accordance with the preceding paragraph.
Executed as a sealed instntrnent this,3u day of As ,2006.
Essex, ss.
On this 3\.) day of f;".J-J \-,2006, befoEe me, the undersigned notary public, personally
appearedt\' \\"M~ o-J. ~r;,,_ Ho... roved to me through satisfactory evidence ofidentification,
which was a current driver's licens (a current passport) (my personal knowledge ofthe identity
ofthe principal" to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document,
and acknowledged to me that s!he signed it vo~_se~s_.---:,,,__~__
Notary Public 1
My Commission Expires: Y21 llcl
Notary Public
commonwealth of Massachusetts
\\H'. My Commission Expires
A~gt.lQt 27, 2010
BOSTON, MA 02110
The foregoing Preservation Restriction Agreement is hereby accepted by the Town of
Ipswich, acting by and through its Board ofSelectmen, by a unanimous vote ofthe Board onArkI'1 '2006-, and by and through its agent, the Ipswich Historical Commission, pursuant to
the authority given by Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40, Section 8C.
Patrick 1. McNall
Essex, ss.
y of ftt.clltC4Sf ,2006, before me, the
undersigned notary public, personally appeared--o: 'J: ~provedto me through
satisfactory evidence ofidentification, which was (a current driver's license) (a current passport)
ersonal knowledge 0 e 1 entity ofthe principa to be the person whose name is signed
on the preceding or attached document, and acknow e ed to me that s/he .. g d it voluntarily
for its stated purposes. . C! I ' "'"'~
Notary Public I /
My_Commission EXQires: IOU)'LO ,
Essex, ss.
On this ~day of ~~2006, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally
appeared ~L&!\ _~, proved to me through satisfi . dence ofidentification,
which was ('icufi.ent driver's license) (a current passport) ersonal knowledge ofthe 1 en 1 y
BOSTON, MA 02110
c::::ot"f§ principaJL to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attache
and ackllowledged to me that s!he signed it voluntaril for its stat,(? oses. ,
The undersigned Acting Executive Director and Clerk ofthe Massachusetts Historical
Commission, hereby certifies that the foregoing Preservation Restriction Agreement has been
approved as being in the public interest. pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 184,
Section 32.
Dated C>o~ " ,2006
Acting Executive Director and Clerk
Massachusetts Histoncal Commission
Suffolk, ss.
On this U-da. of. . ,2006, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally
'IL {2 ~
appeared jlj;V')tlL:~ ,proved to me through satisfactory evidence ofidentification,
which was (.teurrent driver's licenseJ-fa ctlffent passport) (my personal knowledge ofthe identity
ofthe principal), to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document,
and acknowledged to me that slhe signed it voluntarily for its stated purposes.
Notary Public'-iftu,~d4
My Commission EXPir~~I;,;J(J/)
Brona Simon
BOSTON, MA 02110
A certain parcel of land with the buildings thereon situated at 30 South Main Street in Ipswich,
Massachusetts and being shown as Lot I on a plan of land entitled "Old Ipswich Town Hall,
prepared for Ipswich RE Holdings LLC, 7 Central Street, South Easton, MA 02375," prepared
by Oak Engineers, dated October 6, 2005, revised June 12, 2006, recorded with said Deeds in
Book 26050, Page 40.
The purpose ofthe Restriction Guidelines is to clarify paragraph 3. ofthe terms of the
preservation restriction which deals with exterior alterations to the premises. Under this section
permission from the Town ofIpswich is required for any exterior alterations which are not
specifically named, ofa minor nature, part of ordinary maintenance and repair, or which involve
structural stabilization.
In an effort to explain what constitutes a minor alteration and what constitutes a major change
which must be reviewed by the Town the following list has been developed. By no means is this
list comprehensive; it is only a sampling of some of the more common alterations which may be
contemplated by building owners.
Minor Exterior hand scraping and repainting ofnon-decorative and non-significant
surfaces as part ofperiodic maintenance.
Major Painting or fully stripping decorative surfaces or distinctive stylistic features
including original ornamental woodwork, significant original siding, and granite stone
Minor Jtegular maintenance including caulking, painting and necessary reglazing.
Repair or in-kind replacement of existing individual decayed window parts.
Major Wholesale replacement oforiginal units; change in fenestration or materials;
alteration of profile or setback ofwindows. The addition ofstorm windows is also
considered a major change; however, with notification it is commonly acceptable.
Minor Spot repair of existing original cladding, wood trim and/or roofing, including inkind
replacement of clapboards, shingles, etc.
Major Large scale repair or replacement of original cladding, significant wood trim and .
decorative features. Change involving inappropriate removal or addition of materials or
building elements (i.e., removal of chimneys or cornice detailing; installation of
architectural detail which does not have a historical basis); altering or demolishing
building additions; spot repointing ofmasonry.
MinQr Routine maintenance Df outbuildings and landscape including lawn mowing,
pruning, planting, painting, and repair.
Ma.im: Moving or subdividing buildings; altering or removing significant landscape
features such as gardens, vistas, walks, plantings; ground disturbance affecting
archaeological resources.
Minor.Repair/replacement of existing deteriorated individual wood structural members;
addition ofnew members and/or joint reinforcement required to meet current structural
Major Large scale replacement of existing timber frame and roof truss members; removal
ofhistoric timber rooftrusses.
Changes classified as major alterations are not necessarily unacceptable. Under the preservation
restriction such changes must be reviewed by the Town and their impact on the historic integrity
ofthe premise assessed.
It is the responsibility ofthe property owner to notify the Town in writing when any reviewable
alterations are contemplated. Substantial alterations may necessitate review of plans and
specifications. .
The intent ofthe preservation restriction is to enable the Town to review proposed alterations and
assess their impact on the integrity ofthe structure, not to preclude future change. Town staffwill
attempt to work with property owners to develop mutually satisfactory solutions which are in the
best interests of the property.
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