Ye Olde Town Hall

Ye Olde Town Hall


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Monday, November 19, 2012

There Must be Some Kind of Way Outta Here…

There Must be Some Kind of Way Outta Here…

What can the Town do, about the Old Town Hall? The temptation is typically to assert that we already know everything about a problem and already have the best idea for solving it. This kind of biased and shallow decision-making often overlooks key information and good options and rarely produces the best result. There needs to be process that will help navigate to the best solution. What might this process look like?

 A. Data collection: Clear unbiased comprehensive and open communication. What is the status of - and what are the implications of - the owner’s position? The townpeople’s desires? The original project? The financial picture? The building itself? Previous Selectman actions, like waiving the first right of refusal? What is within the range of the Selectman’s official role as Grantor, going forward? Etc.

B. Consideration and analysis: what does all of this mean to the Owner and the Town and the project?

C. What are the options for the building/location? pro’s and con’s of each? (from the point of view of community preference, financial realities, viability & chance of success, etc)

D. What’s the plan for getting from where we are to where we want to be?

E. Action

Right now the town is barely in Stage A and some seem to be trying to go directly to Stage E.  If they do have it all figured out, they need to lay it out openly so the rest of us can evaluate and choose to buy in or not.

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