Ye Olde Town Hall

Ye Olde Town Hall


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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Legal terms and case schedule 5/22/13

The Court scheduling documents (copied below) are confusing but i got a translation for those of us who need it. Here is your key to the words and related actions:

Service: plaintiff (Town of Ipspwich) to serve summons and complaint on all parties: this is the complaint that the Town has against Hanney.

Answer: defendant(s) (IpswichRE Holdings LLC and Entertainment Management Corporation)  to serve answers to the complaint.

Rule 15: plaintiff to amend complaint. (if necessary)

Rule (12/19/20?): motions to dismiss or to join additional parties. (if resolved or if others need to be included)

Discovery: all discovery to be completed (this is about documents and files and records and so forth, that the parties want in order to make their cases).

Rule 56: motions for summary judgment: this is when the parties submit their arguments asking the Judge to review the case and its merits and reach a decision immediately without holding a full hearing or trial.

Final PTC: pretrial conference. As I understand it, this is NOT a Jury trial -  maybe this refers to the hearing before the Judge? If so, it is probably a last ditch effort for the parties to come to agreeable terms before requiring the Judge to do so.

Disposition: target date by which (non-jury) trial should take place

(I have been told that most of these milestone dates are subject to change, particularly discovery, pretrial conference and disposition.)

Here is the current court schedule referring to the above definitions and abbreviations (TRK means "track"): 

Service Date:05/06/2013Disposition:11/27/2014
Rule 15:07/05/2013Rule 12/19/20:07/05/2013
Final PTC:05/31/2014Rule 56:01/31/2014
Answer Date:06/05/2013Jury Trial:NO